our general terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions Jeska Inspiration
The following travel conditions become part of the package travel contract concluded between you (hereinafter traveller) and us (hereinafter tour operator).
The legal relationship between traveller and tour operator is initially governed by the BGB, §§ 651 a-y and Articles 250 and 252 of the EGBGB (introductory law to the BGB). The following travel conditions complete and supplement these legal provisions.
The tour operator undertakes to provide all travel services offered in the travel and service description under the conditions set out herein, which are accepted by the traveller.
By registering your trip, you accept the travel conditions for a package travel contract for yourself and the people you registered with, and you will also subsequently act as their representative to us.
Travellers means Individuals, groups, companies or other legal entities using the services offered by the Tour Operator and involving Travelers’ representatives.
Services means: Provision of any service as accommodation and/or transportation and/or meals and/or any other travel services and activities as offered by the Tour Operator and accepted by the Traveler.
1. Conclusion of the travel contract/obligation for fellow travellers
1.1. The following applies to all booking methods (e.g. by telephone, in writing by email, etc.):
a) The basis of this offer is the travel advertisement following the offer and the additional information from the tour operator for the respective trip, insofar as this is available to the traveler when booking.
b) The traveller is responsible for all contractual obligations of travellers for whom he makes the booking, as well as his own, to the extent that he has assumed this obligation by express and separate declaration.
c) If the content of the tour operator’s travel confirmation differs from the content of the booking, this constitutes a new offer from the tour operator. The contract is concluded based on this new offer, insofar as the tour operator points out the change concerning the new offer and his pre-contractual agreements
Information obligations are fulfilled and the traveller declares acceptance to the tour operator by express declaration or deposit/payment of the travel price within the binding period.
d) The pre-contractual information provided by the tour operator about essential features of the travel services, the travel price and all additional costs, the payment modalities, the minimum number of participants and the cancellation fees (according to Article 250 § 3 No. 1, 3-5 and 7 EGBGB) will only be valid not part of the package travel contract unless this is expressly agreed between the parties.
e) For price reductions, the age at the start of the trip is decisive; for small children up to 2 years old, the age on the contractually agreed return date is decisive.
1.2. For bookings made verbally, by telephone, in writing, by email or SMS, the following applies:
a) By booking (travel registration), the traveller makes a binding offer to the tour operator to conclude the package travel contract.
b) Immediately after the conclusion of the contract, the tour operator will send the traveller a travel confirmation that complies with the legal requirements. This must be checked immediately by the traveller and confirmed by returning the express and separate declaration that as a traveller he is responsible for all contractual obligations of travellers for whom he is making the booking, as for his own.
1.3. The tour operator points out that according to the legal regulations.
Regulations (§§ 312 para. 7, 312g para. 2 sentence 1 no. 9 BGB) for package travel contracts according to § 651a and § 651c BGB, which are in
Distance selling has been concluded that there is no right of withdrawal, but only the statutory rights of withdrawal and termination, in particular the right of withdrawal following Section 651h. However, a right of withdrawal exists if the contract for travel services according to Section 651a of the German Civil Code (BGB) was concluded outside of business premises unless the oral negotiations on which the conclusion of the contract is based were carried out by the consumer’s previous order; in the latter case, there is no right of withdrawal.
2. Payment terms
a) Tour operators and travel agents may only demand or accept payments on the travel price before the end of the package tour if there is an effective travel final insurance contract and the traveller has been given the security certificate with the name and contact details of the travel final insurance in a clear, understandable and highlighted manner.
b) After the conclusion of the contract and receipt of the booking confirmation, a deposit of 30 per cent of the travel price is due within 3 working days. The costs for travel insurance taken out through the tour operator are due in full together with the deposit; if the insurance is taken out subsequently, it is due immediately.
The remaining payment must be paid no later than 45 days before the start of the trip (determination of receipt of payment), provided that the tour operator’s right of withdrawal can no longer be exercised for the reason stated in Section 9.
c) When booking for larger groups of 10 people or more, different payment conditions may apply, which will be communicated separately before the contract is concluded.
d) If there are less than 30 days between booking the trip and starting the trip, the full amount of the trip is due immediately.
2.2. If the traveller does not make the deposit and/or the final payment under the agreed payment due dates, even though the tour operator is willing and able to properly provide the contractual services, has fulfilled its legal information obligations and the traveller has no legal or contractual right of retention, the traveller is liable The tour operator is entitled to withdraw from the package travel contract after a reminder with a deadline and to invoice the traveller for the cancellation costs following Section 5.
2.3. Full payment of the travel price is a prerequisite for the delivery of the travel documents. The tour operator is not obliged to hand over the travel documents before the final payment has been made.
2.4. When booking last-minute trips, special and/or promotional bookings, a deposit of 100% of the stated travel price is required. Please note the separate conditions in the booking confirmation. These special offers are non-refundable.
2.5. Please make all payments stating the booking/invoice number only to:
Account holder: Jeska Inspiration- Karin Jestaedt
IBAN: DE07 3002 0900 5380 8038 34
3. Service and price changes before the start of the trip
3.1. Deviations from essential characteristics of travel services from the agreed content of the package travel contract, which become necessary after the conclusion of the contract and were not brought about by the tour operator against good faith, are permitted to the tour operator before the start of the trip, provided that the deviations from the originally booked service are not objectively significant and are reasonable for the traveller and does not affect the overall layout of the booked trip.
3.2. The tour operator is obliged to inform the traveller about changes to services immediately after becoming aware of the reason for the change on a durable medium in a clear, understandable and highlighted manner.
3.3. In the event of a significant change to an essential feature of travel service, the traveller is entitled, within a reasonable time set by the tour operator at the same time as notification of the change, to either accept the change or to withdraw from the package travel contract free of charge or to demand participation in a replacement trip if the tour operator offered such a trip. The traveller has the choice to respond to the tour operator’s communication or not. If the traveller responds to the tour operator, he can either agree to the contract change, request to take part in a replacement trip if one has been offered to him or withdraw from the contract free of charge. If the traveller does not respond to the tour operator or does not respond within the set deadline, the notified change is deemed to have been accepted. The traveller must be informed of this in a clear, understandable, and highlighted manner in the declaration following section 3.2.
3.4. Any warranty claims remain unaffected if the changed services have defects. If the tour operator had lower costs for carrying out the changed trip or replacement trip with equivalent conditions, the difference must be reimbursed to the traveller under Section 651m Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
4. Price change after the conclusion of the contract
The tour operator plans and creates the travel services and/or combined tours with the greatest care. The tour operator can unilaterally increase the travel price if the increase in the travel price results directly from an event that occurred after the conclusion of the contract.
a.) Increase in the price for the transport of passengers due to higher costs for fuel or other energy sources,
b.) Increase in taxes and other charges for agreed travel services, such as tourist taxes, port or airport fees,
c.) Changes in the exchange rates applicable to the relevant package holiday. The tour operator must inform the traveller clearly and comprehensibly about the price increase and the reasons for it on a durable medium and inform them about the calculation of the price increase.
d) If the exchange rates change after the travel contract has been concluded, the travel price can be increased to the extent that this makes the trip more expensive for the tour operator.
e) In the event of a subsequent change in the travel price, the tour operator must inform the traveller immediately. Price increases from the 20th day before departure are ineffective. If the above-mentioned costs lead to lower expenses for the tour operator, the difference will be passed on to the traveller, less administrative expenses.
f) A price increase is only effective if the circumstances leading to the increase did not occur before the contract was concluded and were not foreseeable for the tour operator when the contract was concluded.
g) In the case of price increases of more than 8 per cent, the regulations of §651f Paragraph 1 BGB apply. An offer made by us under this regulation to accept the price increase is deemed to have been accepted by the traveller after the deadline set by the tour operator has expired.
The traveller has the choice to respond to the tour operator’s communication or not. If the traveller reacts to the tour operator, he can either agree to the price increase, withdraw from the contract free of charge or request to take part in a replacement trip if one has been offered to him. If the traveller does not respond to the tour operator or does not respond within the set deadline, the notified price increase is deemed to have been accepted.
The traveller must be informed of this in a clear, understandable and highlighted manner in the declaration under Section 3.2.
The tour operator was responsible for carrying out the replacement trip.
equivalent quality lower costs, the traveller is entitled to.
The difference will be refunded under Section 651m Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB).
5. Cancellation by the traveller before the start of the trip/cancellation costs
5.1. The traveller can withdraw from the package travel contract at any time before the start of the trip. Withdrawal must be declared to the tour operator in writing. The traveller is recommended to declare the withdrawal on a durable medium.
5.2. If the traveller withdraws from the travel contract before the start of the trip or does not start the trip, the tour operator loses the right to the travel price. Instead, the tour operator can demand appropriate compensation for the travel arrangements made up to the cancellation and their expenses depending on the respective travel price,
unless he is responsible for the withdrawal at the destination or in its immediate vicinity
extraordinary circumstances arise that affect the execution of the trip or the transport of
Significantly affect people at the destination; Circumstances are unavoidable and exceptional,
if they are not under the control of the tour operator and their consequences would not arise even then
could be avoided if all reasonable precautions had been taken.
5.3. The tour operator has staggered this claim for compensation over time, i.e., taking into account the proximity of the time of withdrawal to the contractually agreed start of the trip in a percentage ratio of the travel price and taking into account usually saved expenses and usually possible other uses of the travel services when calculating the compensation.
The compensation will be calculated based on the time of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal at the following cancellation rates:
Travel cancellation costs – cancellation costs:
From the booking date until 150 days before the start of the trip, 10% of the travel price
149 days to 90 days before the start of the trip 20% of the travel price
89 days to 30 days before the start of the trip 40% of the travel price
29 days to 15 days before the start of the trip 55% of the travel price
14 days to 4 days before the start of the trip 75% of the travel price
From 3 days before the start of the trip 90% of the travel price
On the day of arrival – no show – 100% of the travel price
5.4. Special offers and/or last-minute bookings apply without cancellation conditions; due to the time limit for short-term bookings, full payment must be made immediately in connection with the no-refund procedure.
5.5. The tour operator reserves the right to demand higher, individually calculated compensation instead of the above flat-rate compensation, provided the tour operator proves that it incurred significantly higher expenses than the applicable flat-rate compensation. In this case, the tour operator is obliged to specifically quantify and justify the requested compensation, taking into account the expenses saved and less what he acquires by using the travel services elsewhere.
5.6. If the tour operator is obliged to refund the travel price because of a withdrawal, he must make the reimbursement contribution immediately, but in any case, within 14 days of receipt of the declaration of withdrawal.
5.7. The legal right of the traveller, under Section 651e of the German Civil Code (BGB), to demand from the tour operator using a message on a durable medium that a third party assumes the rights and obligations arising from the package travel contract instead of him, remains unaffected by the above conditions. Such a declaration is in any case timely if it is received by the tour operator 7 working days before the start of the trip. The original and new travel participants are jointly and severally liable for the travel price and the additional costs resulting from the change of person of the travel participant under Section 651 e of the German Civil Code (BGB).
The tour operator recommends that the traveller take out travel cancellation insurance.
6. Rebookings
6.1. After the conclusion of the contract, the traveller is not entitled to make changes to the travel date, travel destination, place of departure, accommodation, or type of transport (rebooking). This does not apply if the rebooking is necessary because the tour operator has provided no, insufficient, or incorrect pre-contractual information to the traveler under Article 250 §3 EGBGB; In this case, rebooking is possible free of charge.
If in other cases a rebooking is made at the traveller’s request, a rebooking fee of EUR 40.00 per person will be due in addition to the changed travel price and any additional costs that can be proven by the tour operator as a result of the change. These conditions also apply to name changes or name corrections.
Rebookings will be made at the current price on the day of the rebooking. If there is a change within the booked accommodation (e.g., change in the room category, occupancy of the booked room, the type of board or the travel date), the price for the changed service will be calculated at the current daily price of the accommodation on the date of rebooking.
6.2. The traveller’s rebooking requests that occur later than 30 days before the start of the trip can, if their implementation is possible at all, only be carried out after withdrawing from the travel contract under the conditions under Section 5 and simultaneously re-registering. This does not apply to rebooking requests that only incur minor costs.
6.3. Rebookings of the trip after the start of the trip are only possible.
Exceptionally possible. They must be made to the responsible tour guide. The prerequisite for changing the travel duration is that, in the event of an extension, the assigned room is free for the extension period. Additional costs resulting from rebooking the trip will be borne by the traveller. The fee for rebooking abroad is EUR 40.00 per person.
7. Services not used
7.1. If the traveller considers non-participation at his discretion and for reasons attributable to the traveller and/or if the traveller does not use individual travel services that the tour operator was willing and able to provide per the contract, he is not entitled to a pro-rata refund of the travel price.
7.2. For reasons that entitle the traveller to withdraw free of charge or to terminate the travel contract by the statutory provisions, the tour operator will endeavour to reimburse the service providers for the saved expenses. This obligation does not apply if the expenses are completely insignificant.
8. Insurance
It is recommended that you take out a comprehensive travel insurance package, especially including travel cancellation insurance (which can also be booked separately). It is also recommended that you take out accident, travel and international health insurance. In this context, travellers are recommended to take out luggage insurance in their interest.
9. Withdrawal due to failure to reach the minimum number of participants
9.1. The tour operator can only withdraw from the travel contract due to failure to reach the minimum number of participants if
a) in the respective pre-contractual information, the minimum number of participants has been quantified as well as the point in time by which the traveller must have received the declaration before the contractually agreed start of the trip and
b) states the minimum number of participants and the latest cancellation deadline in the travel confirmation. Withdrawal must be declared to the traveller no later than the day specified to the traveller in the pre-contractual information and the travel confirmation. If it becomes apparent at an earlier point in time that the minimum number of participants cannot be reached, the tour operator must immediately exercise its right of withdrawal.
9.2. If the trip is not carried out for this reason, the tour operator must immediately, but in any case within 14 days of the declaration of withdrawal, refund the traveller’s payments on the travel price.
10. Termination for behavioural reasons
The tour operator can withdraw from the travel contract before the start of the trip or terminate the travel contract after the start of the trip
– without observing a deadline, if the traveller persistently disrupts the implementation of the trip despite a warning or behaves contrary to the contract, – up to four weeks before the start of the trip, if the obligation to carry out the trip for the tour operator after exhausting all options means exceeding the economic sacrifice limit on the trip, unless the tour operator is responsible for the circumstances leading to this. If the execution of the trip is prevented before the start of the trip due to unavoidable, extraordinary circumstances, the tour operator is entitled to terminate the travel contract. If the trip is cancelled for the reasons mentioned above, the traveller will receive a refund of the travel price paid immediately.
11. The traveller’s obligation to cooperate
The traveller is obliged to cooperate in the event of any service disruptions within the framework of the statutory provisions to help resolve the disruption and minimize any damage that may arise.
11.1. Travel documents
The traveller must inform the tour operator or his travel agent through whom he booked the package tour if he does not receive the necessary travel documents within the deadline notified by the tour operator.
11.2. Notification of defects/remedial action
If the trip is not free of travel defects, the traveller can request remedial action. If the tour operator was unable to remedy the situation as a result of a culpable failure to report the defect, the traveller cannot assert claims for a reduction in price according to §651m BGB or claims for damages according to §651n BGB.
The traveller is obliged to report all complaints immediately to the responsible tour guide. Information about the availability of the tour operator’s representative or his local contact point will be provided in the travel confirmation. The tour operator’s representative is responsible for remedial action if possible. However, he is not authorized to recognize claims. If a tour guide is not available on-site and is not contractually owed, any travel deficiencies must be brought to the attention of the tour operator immediately. Before any possible termination of the contract, the traveller is obliged to give the local tour guide or the tour operator a reasonable deadline for remedial action.
11.3. Damage to luggage must be reported to the transport company as soon as it is discovered. The same applies to the loss of luggage. At the same time, written confirmation of the damage or loss must be requested from the transport company. The presentation of a complaint about defects to the hotel or the local tour operator therefore expressly does not replace a timely notification of defects to the tour operator.
11.4. Setting a deadline before termination
If a traveller wants to terminate the package travel contract under Section 651l BGB due to a travel defect of the type described in Section 651i Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB), if it is significant, he must first give the tour operator a reasonable deadline to remedy the situation. This only does not apply if the remedy is refused by the tour operator.
11.5. Travelers with special health problems or special requirements must inform the tour operator in advance.
12. Own arrival flight
12.1 Changes to flight times or routes, even at short notice, must be reported to the tour operator immediately.
12.2. Additional costs due to flight delays waiting times for airport transfers etc. must be borne by the traveler.
12.3. In the event of a change in flight number or incorrect flight details sent by the traveller and provided to the tour operator, the tour operator will still endeavour to change the transfer arrangements. However, in the aforementioned case, the tour operator assumes no responsibility for service failures or additional costs if the service is unavailable due to late notification.
13. Agreements and provisions for guided tours and excursions
13.1 These may be carried out by multilingual tour guides or as detailed in the written booking confirmation.
13.2. Tours are offered under the conditions published by the tour operator (e.g. regarding language, tour guide, etc.).
13.3. When travelling abroad or to different districts in the destination country, every traveller must carry their passport or ID card with proof of visa.
13.4. Travelers are asked to inform the tour operator of any health restrictions. The traveller is responsible for adequate health and accident insurance (including additional insurance against sports accidents on tours with sporting activities).
13.5. Participating in a tour under the influence of drugs, medication and/or excessive alcohol is not permitted. The traveller undertakes to strictly comply with these General Terms and Conditions, the tour operator’s conditions of participation, the instructions of the local tour guide, third-party providers, support staff and external tour guides and rescue workers.
13.6. The tour operator reserves the right to exclude travellers from the tour with immediate effect in the event of health problems, failure to comply with the conditions of participation or violations of these conditions or instructions. If a minor is excluded, the accompanying person is also excluded from the tour. In the event of any of these reasons for excluding the excursion, no refund will be given. In the event of exclusion during a tour, the traveller is not entitled to a refund of the tour price. In the event of exclusion, any claims for damages against the tour operator are excluded.
13.7. If the traveller does not arrive at the departure or meeting point in time at the beginning or during the tour, the tour operator reserves the right to exclude the traveller from the tour after a waiting period of 10 minutes and to leave the tour without the traveller with the other tour participants to continue. In this case, the traveller is neither entitled to a refund of the travel price nor can he claim compensation. In addition, the traveler must bear all additional costs e.g. B. transport back to the starting point.
14. Traveling with children
14.1. All children under 18 years of age require valid travel documents, e.g., children’s passport or passport.
14.2. If the child is travelling with only one parent, the parents must provide a passport and an unabridged birth certificate, as well as an affidavit or court order stating that they have permission to travel with their child. If one of the parents has died, a death certificate must be presented.
14.3. An unaccompanied child needs a passport, an unabridged birth certificate and a document signed by both parents stating that the child has permission to travel. In addition, certified copies of the identity card or passport of the person with whom the child is staying at the destination, as well as contact details and address are required.
15. Limitation of Liability
15.1. The contractual liability of the tour operator for damages that are not bodily harm and were not caused culpably is limited to three times the travel price. Possibly additional claims under international agreements or legal regulations based on such agreements remain unaffected by the restriction.
15.2. In this context, it is recommended that travellers take out comprehensive travel accident, travel health and luggage insurance in their interest.
15.3. The tour operator is not liable for service disruptions, personal injury or property damage in connection with services,
which are merely arranged as third-party services (e.g., arranged excursions, sporting events, theatre visits,
Exhibitions) if these services are expressly stated in the travel advertisement and the travel confirmation and with details of the
The identity and address of the brokered contractual partner have been marked as third-party services so clearly that the traveller can see that they are not part of the tour operator’s package tour and have been selected separately. Sections 651b, 651c, 651w and 651y BGB remain unaffected by this. However, the tour operator is liable if and to the extent that the traveller’s damage was caused by the tour operator’s breach of information, information, or organizational obligations.
15.4. If the tour operator is the contractual or executing carrier concerning the ship’s passage or is viewed as such according to legal regulations, he is liable for claims for damages due to personal injury or damage to luggage by the special legal regulations (2nd Maritime Law Amendment Act, in particular the appendix to § 664 HGB). In the event of damage, the traveller bears a deductible of €30 if luggage is lost or damaged or €306 if a vehicle is damaged.
15.5. a) The tour operator, its affiliated local companies in the destination and agents act as agents for the providers of transportation, accommodation, food and other goods and services provided to the traveller. All arrangements for transport, accommodation and services are made on the express condition that the tour operator shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damages, injuries, losses, accidents, delays or irregularities of any nature whatsoever, due to any acts or omissions outside of within its control, including, without limitation, any negligence or breach of contract of third parties such as an airline, cruise line, train, hotel, restaurant, ground handler, etc. who do not provide goods or services for the trip. Without limiting the foregoing, the Tour Operator shall not be liable for any loss or expense due to delay or changes in schedule, overbooking of accommodation, negligence of third parties, illness, weather, strikes, acts of God or acts of terrorism. War, quarantine, criminal activity or other reasons beyond its control.
b) Excursions can bring travellers into close contact with ancient sites, the localities of which are not always barrier-free and equipped with level ground. Physical limitations such as sloping, stooped posture, etc. can also occur when visiting ancient sites. The local tour guide will inform the travellers accordingly. However, neither the tour operator nor its representatives can be held responsible for any injuries or accidents during the excursion. We expressly point out that the traveller takes part in excursions at his own risk. The traveller is requested to consult his doctor before booking the trip if necessary.
c) All activities are carried out at your own risk. The tour operator accepts no liability for any loss or damage to luggage or personal property, however caused. Travelers are advised to use the safes provided and/or take out appropriate insurance.
d) The traveller is responsible for adequate health and accident insurance (including additional insurance against sports accidents on tours with sporting activities).
16. Assertion of claims
16.1. The traveller must assert claims against the tour operator under Sections 651i Paragraph 3 No. 2, 4-7 BGB. Filing on a durable medium is recommended.
16.2. Concerning the law on consumer dispute resolution, the tour operator points out that he does not take part in voluntary consumer dispute resolution. If consumer dispute resolution becomes obligatory for the tour operator after these travel conditions have been printed, the tour operator will inform the traveller of this in an appropriate form. The tour operator indicates all travel contracts that are made electronically.
Legal transactions were concluded on the European online dispute resolution platform http:/ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
17. Statute of Limitations
Claims due to non-contractual provision of the trip expire in two years. The limitation period begins on the day on which the trip was supposed to end according to the contract. If the traveller has asserted such claims, the statute of limitations is suspended until the day on which the tour operator rejects the claims in writing. Claims arising from unlawful acts expire in three years. Your travel agency only acts as an intermediary when concluding the travel contract. It is not authorized to accept the traveller’s registration of warranty and compensation claims after the end of the trip.
18. Passport, Visa and Health Requirements
18.1. The tour operator will inform the traveller about general passport and visa requirements as well as health formalities of the destination country, including the approximate deadlines for obtaining any necessary visas before the contract is concluded, as well as any changes to these before the start of the trip.
18.2. The traveller is responsible for obtaining and carrying any travel documents required by the authorities, if applicable.
required vaccinations and compliance with customs and foreign exchange regulations. Disadvantages arising from not following these
Any regulations arising, e.g., the payment of cancellation costs, are at the traveller’s expense. This does not apply if the tour operator has provided no information, inadequate information, or incorrect information.
18.3. The tour operator is not liable for the timely issuance.
and access to necessary visas through the respective diplomatic mission if the traveller has commissioned them to obtain them unless the tour operator has breached its obligations.
19. Choice of law and place of jurisdiction
19.1. German law applies exclusively to the contractual relationship between the traveller and the tour operator. Insofar as German law is not fundamentally applied to the traveller’s liability against the tour operator abroad, German law applies exclusively concerning the legal consequences, of the type, scope, and amount of the traveller’s claims.
19.2. The traveller can only sue the tour operator at their registered office. For lawsuits brought by the tour operator against the traveller, the traveller’s place of residence is decisive, unless the lawsuit is directed against registered traders or persons who do not have a general place of jurisdiction in the country, or against persons who have their domicile or usual place of abode after conclusion of the contract have moved abroad or whose place of residence or habitual residence is not known at the time the action is filed. In these cases, the location of the tour operator is decisive.
20. Data Protection
You can find our data protection regulations and information on our website under:
21. Informing guests of a package tour per EU Directive EU 2015/2302
Before concluding a package travel contract, the tour operator is legally obliged from July 1, 2018, to inform its guests about their rights by EU Directive 2015/2302.
You can find these in the document here.
22. General advice from our experience
Our cultural and tour trips are planned long-term to the best of our knowledge and expert experience and are of course confirmed by the shipping companies and the destination ports. However, more than 50 years of experience with shipping show that changes are always possible, sometimes even at very short notice due to weather or water levels. We try to find good alternatives immediately without changing the overall impression of the trip. However, official orders, safety and the weather always remain the top priority.
Jeska Inspiration
Owner.: Karin Jestädt
Wirtheimer Str. 18, D-63607 Wächtersbach – Germany
Tel: (+49) 6053 6079899
E-Mail: info@jeskainspiration.com
Place of jurisdiction: Gelnhausen District Court,
VAT ID: DE317993870
Terms and conditions remain valid since 03/2023
© Jeska Inspiration, 2024 – all rights reserved